1. 1500 Goergia Banks Rail - Grind The sign above the waterfall infron
of the 1500 georgia banks building.
2. Golden Rail - Grind the gold rail outside of the hotels front door.
3. Slam City Wire - Grind the ledge of the hotel then transfer into a grind
on the wire that goes across the street and grind the wire around by the
slam city jam area back across the street.
4. Top Loop - Grind around the second floor area of the hotel.
5. Offwire - Grind the slam city wire then transfer the grind onto the
rail of the arena.
6. SJ 2 Boxes - Grind the rail of the arena and transfer a grind onto the
boxes besides the trucks.
7. SJ 2 Fence - Same as the sj 2 boxes gap except you transfer the grind
onto the green fence behind the trucks.
8. SJ 2 Truck - Same as above except transfer the grind onto one of the
9. SJ 2 Wire - Do the oppisite of the offwire gap.
10. Out Of Hotel - Grind the long golden handrail out the hotel window
high above the entrace across from the arena. reach the rail by transfering
a grind from the pagoda through the window as if going for the through
hotel high gap.
11. Across Street 2 Truck - Do the out of hotel gap and transfer the grind
to one of the trucks across the street.
12. Beak Rail - Grind the beak of the hawk statue at the end of the hockey
13. Claw Rail - Grind the base of the hawk statue at the end of the hockey
14. Court Pool - Grind around the pool by the courthouse.
15. Hawkbowl Rail - Grind the rail around the bowl where the hawk statue
is located.
16. Hawlbowl Transfer - Do a spine transfer over the bowl wall by the hawk
17. Hawkwing Transfer - Air off the aide of the hawkbowl planters and land
in a grind on the wing of the hawk statue.
18. Hotel Goodmount Front - Grind the awning of the hotel entrance across
the street from the arena. you can transfer between the powerline tot he
awning or an easier way is just get on top of the awning then do a caveman
into a grind on the awning.
19. IN - Transfer a grind from the base of either dome skylight through
the doors of the hotel and into a grind on the black ledge inside the hotel.
20. Judge Pool - Grind the pool nearest the street leading out of town.
21. Ledge Hop - Gap across the ledges in front of the museum.
22. Museum Drop - Get on top of the museum and useing the small QP on top
of the museum do a spine transfer down to the QP below.
23. OUT - Same as the in gap except transfer a grind from the ledge inside
the hotel out to the ledge of the dome skylight.
24. Over The Dome - Air over either dome skylight.
25. Pagoda Transfer - Spine Transfer over either of the glass pagodas.
26. Plaza Pool - Grind around the lowermost pool by the courthouse.
27. Rail Hop - Transfer a grind on the pedestrian bridge leading to the
28. Round Fountain - Trick off the quarter pipe near the museum to gain
speed then pop up and over the large round fountain near the street.
29. Superior Pool - Grind the pool at the top of the courthouse plaza.
30. Superior Small Rail - Grind fromt he judge pool and transfer the grind
to the narow edge of the planter next to the staircase leading down to
the grass.
31. Superior Stair RailGrind the court pool in a clockwise direction and
transfer the grind to the planter paralleling the stairs leading down to
the grass.
32. Then Up 2 Slam City - Do the out of hotel gap and across street 2 truck
gap then transfer a grind fromt he truck to the rail of the arena.
33. Triple Transfer - Transfer the 3 small concrete QP's by the hawkbowl.
34. Walkway Rail - Grind the entire length of the walkway ledge from the
courthouse down to the arena.
35. Wing Rail - Grind the wing of the hawk statue. air off the dome to
hit it.
36. BC Transfer 1 - Spine transfer out of the judge pool down to the grass
37. BC Transfer 2 - Spine transfer between concrete plaza at the end of
the pedestrian bridges and the grass below.
38. BC Transfer 3 - Spine transfer out of the bowl shaped end of the plaza
down towards the hotel cafe.
39. Front Desk Manual - Jump through the hotel window and land in a manual.
manual past the front desk then ollie out the window of the other side
of the hotel.
40. High Hotel Drop - Grind in a counter clockwise direction through the
second floor rooms of the hotel and air off the kinked end of the tables
and through the windows. Land in a grind on the skylight domes below.
41. Hotel 2 Dome - Do the top loop gap and transfer from the curved ledge
outside of the window down to the edge of the pagoda below.
42. Hotel 2 Superior Court - Get into the rooms of the second floor of
the hotel and useing the QP inside them go up and grind the black pole.
43. Superior Spine 1 - Spine transfer from the pool near the road leading
out of town into the one in front of the courthouse entrance.
44. Superior Spine 2 - Spine transfer from the pool nearest the courthouse
entrance to the one directly below it.
45. Superior Spine 3 - Spine transfer between the lowermost pool and the
one directly above it.
46. Through - Do the in gap and out gap all in one combo.
47. Through Hotel High - Grind the pagoda and ollie through the window
of the hotel into a grind on the bronze railing crossing the room. ollie
out the window on the other side and land in a grind on the other pagoda.
48. 2nd Floor Spine - Located in the 2nd floor rooms of the hotel useing
the QP's do a spine transfer down to the QP below.
49. Garden Spine - Spine transfer over the planter near the courthouse
plaza onto the grassy hill leading down to the hockey rink.
50. Goodmount Transfer - Located in fron of the hotel facing the arena
using the QP's transfer over the awning of the hotel entrance.
51. High Lip - Do a lip trick on the planter by the hawk statue.
52. Plaza Spine - Spine transfer from the grassy hill leading down to the
hockey rink over the planter and onto the plaza by the courthouse.
53. Ramp Transfer - Transfer between the 2 QP's above the hawk bowl.
54. Blue Score Gap - Kick the hockey puck into the blue goal and grind
the top of the goal while the light is flashing. the skater must perform
the grind right after the puck goes into the net.
55. Red Score Gap - Do the same as the blue score gap except do it on the
red goal.
55. SJ Rail 2 Rail - Grind the curb on the walkwayoutside the arena and
transfer the grind onto the railing.